Field Trip

The school bus arrived at the train station, carrying 5 teachers and 20 eager students, all excited to experience the picturesque countryside by train. Each teacher was assigned 5 students to supervise throughout the trip. As the bus sped away, the group quickly made their way into the train car. The school had reserved an entire car for the students to prevent any potential mishaps.

After a quick headcount confirmed that everyone was present, they set off on their adventure. Both teachers and students were captivated by the breathtaking views, rolling landscapes, and ranch animals like cattle, horses, and donkeys. Having grown up in the city, this was a rare and delightful experience for them. Armed with Polaroid cameras, they snapped photos of one another, ensuring that each student would have a lasting memory of the day.

Several hours later, they returned to the train station, expecting the bus to be waiting for them. Instead, they were met by police officers and anxious parents and teachers. They were questioned about the bus driver’s whereabouts and whether he had accompanied them on the trip. The teachers explained that he had hastily driven away after dropping them off.

To their shock, they learned that the driver was a suspected child trafficker who had been abducting children from neighboring towns using the school bus. Earlier that morning, police had raided his home, where they found two missing children tied up and gagged. In addition, disturbing items such as children’s clothing, backpacks, and unsettling photographs were discovered in his possession. Unfortunately, neither the driver nor the bus could be located.


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